Max Baier


Competitor WordSkills Germany 

“A heart for tradition, a vision for the future”

My name is Max Friedrich Baier, and I carry a legacy within me that has been passed down in my family for almost 200 years. The name „Friedrich“ symbolizes our long-standing baking tradition, as the seven generations before me also bore it. As a child, I spent much of my time in my family’s bakery. Surrounded by the scents of freshly baked bread, I began helping wherever I could from a very young age.

Our bakery combines tradition and modernity.

This fusion fascinated me early on and paved my way into the future. After completing my high school diploma, it was clear to me that I wanted to become a baker. With passion, I completed my apprenticeship, became the state champion in Baden-Württemberg, and later the national champion at the Federal Competition in Weinheim.

In June 2024, I took part in the UIBC World Championship, where I had the opportunity to compete with the best young bakers in the world.

Today, I am here at the WorldSkills, ready to represent German baking craftsmanship in all its diversity on this international stage and to show that the connection between craftsmanship and innovation leads to a promising future.

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